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时间:2022-10-07 00:00:45 作者:学习啦 字数:3486字


Deep impact


邃冲───Deep impact


Typhoon has a deep impact on the change of Korean Climate.───台风对韩国气候变化的几个要素影响很大.

Deep Impact also found evidence of ice on the surface of the comet, not just inside it.───深度撞击项目组还发现了证据表明冰不仅仅存在于彗星内部,也存在于彗星表面。

The accident will have a deep impact on global offshore oil and gas development.───这次事故将对全球海洋油气开发产生深刻影响。

Evident from their families is indeed a deep impact . 2 .───足见家庭对其影响的确很深.

The trade of shareholder certificate has deep impact on our country's capital market.───权证交易对我国资本市场具有深远的影响.

The flourish of network techniques a deep impact on traditional education method.───随着网络技术的蓬勃发展,网络对教育的影响日益深远.

Of course, relatively speaking, to raise the regulatory standards development of deep impact is relatively large.───当然, 相对而言, 调高的监管标准对深发展来说影响比较大.

This technology was used on July 4, 2005, when Deep Impact smashed into the comet Tempel 1.───这个技术在2005年7月4号已经运用过了,就是深度撞击坦普尔一号彗星。


Since September, Deep Impact has been stalking Hartley 2 like a paparazzo, taking images every 5 minutes and gathering data.

His artistic style has also had a deep impact on contemporary Russian drama.

In its current form, NASA describes Deep Impact as being "about the size of a mid-sized sport utility vehicle.

Dr Piatt said that the cuts were a serious matter and if the plans went any further, they would have a "really deep impact" on the ability of the universities to compete on an international scale.

NASA has tracked and communicated with Deep Impact by using its Deep Space Network, with sites in the Mojave Desert, Spain, and Australia.