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时间:2022-10-07 00:03:41 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3136字


Summer water


夏水───Summer water


A summer weekend sends people flocking to the seaside-like setting of Dino Beach, a suburban water park.───一个夏天的周末,人们成群结队地涌向 Dino Beach 的人造海滩,一个热带风暴水上乐园。

The more you lose, the more open water is created, the more warming goes on in that open water during the summer, the less ice forms in the winter, the more melt there is the following summer.───失去的(冰盖)增加,就会形成更多的开放水域,这些开放水域在夏天时的温度会更高,在冬天形成的冰更少,在接下来的夏天会有更多的冰融化。

We are not called World of Water any more—since the beginning of this summer we've been renamed, and we've also made a few other changes.───我们这个地方不再叫“水中世界”了,从今年夏天开始,我们改了名字,还有其他几处变动。

Summer, water is the most terrible, that little room on the water turned into a "sauna. "───夏天打水是最可怕的,那小小的水房就变成了“桑拿房”。

Winter snows melt more quickly, and the risks of spring floods and summer water shortages on the rivers they feed increase.───冬季冰雪融化加速,它们所流经的河流春季发生洪水,夏季水资源缺乏的危机会增加。

Every summer, water-rich, fat cattle and sheep, the climate is nice and cool in the summer Summer is the ideal.───每年夏季,水草丰美,牛羊肥壮,气候凉爽宜人,是人们消夏避暑的理想之地。


In summer, water the plants regularly and never let the soil dry out.