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时间:2022-10-07 08:01:20 作者:语文迷 字数:3283字


Machine paper


机纸───Machine paper


So once the paper has been produced in the machine, what happens then?───那么一旦纸在机器里被制造出来,接下来会发生什么呢?

They invented the paper machine so they could mass-produce paper—it didn't have to be handmade anymore.───他们发明了造纸机从而可以大量生产纸——而不再需要手工制作。

Because after that they use a machine to make the paper and we can put that right in the centre of the flow-chart.───因为在这之后会用机器造出纸张,我们可以把这个步骤放在流程图的中间。

cash register paper roll, roll taxi invoices, automated teller machine paper, tickets , plastic flexible packaging products.───卷装收银纸、出租车卷装发票、自动柜员机纸、门票、塑料软包装产品。

Usually the user manual will have business card printing and membership card making quantitative machine paper available.───通常使用手册上都会有制卡和会员卡制作机可用纸张的定量范围。

We manufacture perfect binding machine, table-top perfect binder, paper folding machine, paper cutter, printer.───本公司生产落地式胶装机、桌面型胶装机、切纸机、折页机、油墨打印机等办公自动化设备。


Shaped part: board molding machine, paper adjustor, press machine, shaped flat table and shaking motor.

Hot stamping machine paper by manually feeding, semi - automatic, and automatic paper feeder.

It mainly produced and operated "Ding" brand auto enlace machine, paper and plastic packer, manual heat packer, sheet iron packer, hardware tool etc series products.

We manufacture perfect binding machine, table-top perfect binder, paper folding machine, paper cutter, printer.