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时间:2022-10-07 16:02:42 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2493字


Can you write a story




I am afraid your story outruns the facts.───我担心你的故事超过了事实.

This is a raw story.───这是一个未润色的故事.

It was a long story with many ands.───这故事说来话长,有许多细节.

She was deeply affected by the sad story.───她被那个悲伤的故事深深感动了.

The story unfolds as the film goes on.───情节随着影片的进展逐步展开.

The students clustered around the old soldiers to hear the story.───学生们围着老战士听故事.

Never mind the interruption; proceed with your story.───不要理睬别人的插话, 继续讲你的故事.

Can you back your story with facts?───你能举出事实来证明你的话 吗 ?


He tells the story in the first person.

The story is very interesting to me.

He told the extraordinary story of his escape.

The story negated the trade supported by the government.

The story recalled old faces to my mind.