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时间:2022-10-07 16:04:02 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3074字


Frost damage


霜害───Frost damage


Some of the plants are more susceptible to frost damage than others.───这些植物中有一些较其他的易受霜冻的危害。

There can be no guarantee against future cracking and frost damage.───不保证以后不会有开裂或霜害.

The brick cope was corroded by frost damage.───这个砖墙已被霜冻腐蚀了。

The new Frost Strike still hits for Frost damage ( no armor ) .───新的冰霜打击还会是冰伤害无视护 甲.

Some of these plants are more susceptible to frost damage than others.───这些植物中有一些较其他的易受霜冻危害。

It can be used for devising systems to protect against frost damage.───它可用来设计防止霜害的方法.

Use: Absorbs 2800 to 4000 frost damage. Lasts 2 min.───使用: 吸收2800到4000点冰霜伤害, 持续2分钟.

Most frost damage takes place at night.───大部分霜冻灾害都发生在晚上.


In order to protect tea plants from frost damage in early spring, it is necessary to know temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of near ground temperature under temperature inversion.

Some of these plants are more susceptible to frost damage than others.

The market lost its earlier gains on perceptions the coldest temperatures came in areas where previous frost damage forced an early harvest.

This can then encourage rot to grow on timber, and may also result in frost damage to masonry in cold weather.

Frost damage is main cause for earth - retaining wall failure in seasonally frozen soil region.