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时间:2022-10-07 20:03:07 作者:学习啦 字数:2664字


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He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge.───他把时间都花在求知上.

He denied all knowledge of the affair.───他否认知道此事。

An encyclopaedia contains a lot of knowledge.───百科全书包含很多知识.

He often values himself on [ upon ] his knowledge.───他时常 夸耀 自己的知识.

Owing to the limitation of our knowledge, there must be mistakes and errors in the book.───由于我们水平有限, 本书少不了会有缺点和错误.

Our knowledge about agriculture has so far been exclusively confined to books.───我们对农业学的知识至今只限于书本上所说的.

Words are timeless. You should utter them or write them with a knowledge of their timelessness.───语言是永恒的. 你应当说出或写下它们,获知它们的永恒.

Science means honest , solid knowledge.───科学是老老实实的学问.


Knowledge is the antidote to fear.

Repetition is the mother of knowledge.

He has an intimate knowledge of American literature.

Knowledge advances by steps not by leaps.

Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.