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时间:2022-10-07 20:05:08 作者:趣历史 字数:2539字


Mars Mars




atmosphere of Mars could not support life.───生命无法在火星的大气环境下生存。

Mars has two small moons.───火星有两个小卫星.

Aphrodite soon left him for Ares ( Mars ), the handsome god of war.───不久阿芙罗狄蒂离开他到漂亮的战神阿瑞斯 ( 即马尔斯 ) 那儿去了.

an unmanned Mars mission───无人火星探测

Does life exist on Mars?───火星上有生命吗?

The image of Mars is always accompanied by two little dots.───火星星像的近旁总有两个小点.

Is there life on Mars?───火星上有生命吗?

It will be a long time before any landing on Mars can be attempted.───试图在火星上着陆是一件遥远的事.


Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.

The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.

Mars was the Roman god of war.

As yet(Sentencedict.com ), no man has set foot on Mars.

Marriage makes or mars a man.