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时间:2022-10-08 00:04:13 作者:星火作文 字数:2880字


Holy place




Red represents happiness, luck and fortune while yellow symbolizes imperial holiness and dignity.───红色代表幸福、幸运和财富,而黄色象征神圣和尊严。

As you move in, the outer courtyard, the outer enclosure of the sanctuary, bears a slightly higher degree of holiness.───当你搬进去的时候,外面的庭院,也就是圣所的外围,会有更高的神圣度。

We were immediately struck by this city's holiness.───我们立刻被这座城市的神圣氛围打动了。

Man needs to be alone with God, to yield himself to the presence and the power of His holiness, of His life and of His love.───人需要单独的与神同在,将他自己降服在祂的圣洁,祂的生命,祂慈爱的能力面前。

The foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded by His Holiness the Dalai Lama with the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to him in 1989.───普世责任基金会是由嘉瓦仁波切创建的公益组织,他曾在1989年获得了诺贝尔和平奖。

If you want to grow in holiness this Lent, put your hand in Marry's, and ask her to help you to become meek and humble.───如果你想在这斋月的圣洁中成长,把你的手交给玛丽亚,然后请求她来帮助你变得温顺和谦卑。


This temple is a place of great holiness for the religion's followers.