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时间:2022-10-08 00:05:13 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2564字


I'm your grandfather's grandfather




His grandpa passed away yesterday, all of his family members are wearing mourning clothes.───他爷爷昨天刚刚去世, 他们全家都戴着热孝.

In the doorway of a church where me and grandpa stopped to pray.───在教堂的门廊前,爷爷和我停下祷告.

This was the first time Mom had let Grandpa out of the house since last autumn.───这次是去年秋天后妈妈首次让爷爷到屋外去.

Grandpa fever hospital. my brother and I went to visit him the afternoon.───爷爷发烧住院了.我和哥哥下午去看他.

Getting in the hay would be something grandpa couldn't do by himself.───我知道他们农场确实也需要个帮手.

Is it that serious a problem, Grandpa?───这个问题有那么重要吗, 爷爷?

Tell Grandpa the good news so that he can share our joy.───快把这消息告诉你爷爷,叫他老人家也高兴高兴.

Tomorrow is chinese memorial day . We are flying back to Taiyuan to Megan's grandpa and grandma.───明天就是清明了, 今晚我们回太原,明天去祖坟看看麦根的姥姥、姥爷.
