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时间:2022-10-08 04:03:21 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2749字


beside the water


水畔───beside the water


Water alarms sit either on the floor or in the pan beside the water heater.───无论是在防水警报器坐在地上或在炉内潘旁边的水。

it here beside the water-hole and I want it by sunset tomorrow.───我的宫殿就建在这个水塘边,必须在明天下午太阳落山之前完工。”

The unique garden-style office building beside the water.───的花园式濒水办公园。

It is public and accessible, and its position beside the water gives extra dynamism to this image due to the reflections in the water.───这个剧院是公共和便利的,同时它位于湖边的地理位置和其位于水中的倒影,为该地增加了活力。

Iraqi pop songs rang out from kebab stalls beside the water, and young people cuddled together in boats plying the artificial lake.───水边卖沙威玛的摊子大声放著伊拉克的流行音乐,许多年轻人挤在小船上,在人工湖里划船嬉戏。

He hid inside a tussock of oat grass and watched as the fine thatched house rose up beside the water-hole.───他眼看着一座宽敞明亮的房子在水塘边上拔地而起。


The pool man was crouching beside the water, one of those men with blond hair and muscles.