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时间:2022-10-08 20:02:44 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2864字






Conclusion Fetal distress may injure the cardiac function, no matter newborns suffocation.───目的研究宫内窘迫新生儿心功能的损害.

I had a cough and a feeling of suffocation.───我咳嗽并且有窒息的感觉.

Fantastic creatures embracing suffocation and morbid, a lot of crosses.───荒诞的生灵令人窒息和病态, 以及许多十字架.

Suffocation of the soul.───灵魂的窒息症!

He voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan.───他滔滔不绝直到把自个儿憋得透不过气来, 随后又像约旦河相同沉默无语.

Even I also feel that the feeling of suffocation!───甚至我还感觉到那种窒息的感觉!

In Korea, they risk suffocation by the chaebol, themselves overgrown family businesses.───在韩国, 初创企业很有可能被财阀所扼杀, 而财阀本身就是规模过大的家族企业.

Compared with other options, such as suffocation, perhaps it was.───和其它集中选择, 例如窒息相比, 它也许确实很人道.


Dry, teasing, hacking cough with a sense of suffocation.

Even I also feel that the feeling of suffocation!

Many of the victims died of suffocation.

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Possible suffocation hazards due to lack of adequate ventilation.