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时间:2022-10-09 04:01:14 作者:语文迷 字数:2650字


Don't bother you




We've tried this method for no one knows how many times.───这种方法我们已不知试了多少次.

We thought you'd emigrated."—"No, no."───我们还以为你已经移民了呢。”—“不,没有。”

I have no adequate preparation.───我没有充分的准备.

No mathematician is infallible; he may make mistakes, but he must not hedge.───没有一位数学家是一贯正确的; 他可能会犯错误, 但他绝不会回避任何一个问题.

If the new actor is no good, kick him out.───如果那个新来的演员不怎么样就让他走.

As opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn.───众说纷纭, 莫衷一是.

I am in no mood for joking.───我没闲心开玩笑.

No one could emerge from that avalanche alive, unless one believed that man could rise from the dead.───没人能从那次雪崩中活着出来, 除非相信人能死而复生.


Once on shore, we pray no more.

A clean hand wants no washing.

A guilty conscience needs no accuser.

I have no other choice but to do so.

True coral needs no painter's brush.