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时间:2022-10-09 04:04:05 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2756字


There is a specialty


特长───Specialty;一种───one kind


Her specialty is biochemistry.───她的专业是生物化学.

Reinhard's specialty is scaling the Andes in search of sacrificial remains.───莱因哈德的专长是攀登安第斯山脉寻找祭祀遗骸。

The Beijing roast duck is a Beijing specialty.───北京烤鸭是北京的一个特色菜.

Numerical Controlling Technology is a selected course for students whose specialty is mechanical engineering.───本课程是机械工程专业本科教学的学科专业选修课.

The lifestyle medicine specialty is designed to train doctors in how to prevent and treat disease, in part, by changing patients' nutritional habits.───研究生活方式的医学专业旨在通过改变病人的饮食习惯来训练医生如何预防和治疗疾病。

The local subsidiary's main task is to promote specialty products in the Chinese market.───中国分公司的主要任务为在国内市场推广专业产品.

Ma Po's bean curd is a specialty in our restaurant.───本店的当家菜是麻婆豆腐.

This course is a fundamental optional course of animal science specialty.───本课程是动物科学专业的学科基础选修课.


Her specialty is biochemistry.