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时间:2022-10-09 08:06:41 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2461字


Soup dregs




This soup is boiling hot!───这汤真烫!

He ladled out the soup.───他用大勺分汤.

The bonus of this homely soup is the brevity of its cooking time.───这种家常汤的额外优点是烹制时间短。

There's not much sustenance in a bowl of soup.───一碗汤没多少营养。

He blew on his soup before slurping it off the spoon.───他吹了吹勺子里的汤,然后啧啧地喝了下去。

We had a banquet, which ended up with soup.───我们举行了一个宴会, 最后一道菜是汤.

She'd been a bit too lavish with the salt, so the soup didn't taste nice.───她放盐太多, 因而汤的味道不太好.

cream of mushroom soup───奶油蘑菇汤


Don't spatter the soup onto the table.

I upset the soup all over the table.

The hungry boy gulped down the bowl of soup.

Will you have some soup before the meat course?

Of soup and love, the first is the best.