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时间:2022-10-09 20:03:54 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2921字


You need to be honest




It was on a martial arts style called xingyi quan.───它是关于一种叫形意拳的武术样式的。

Quan and Bray, a London - based married couple, invested heavily in the project.───来自伦敦的全莉 、 博锐夫妇在该项目中有大量投资.

The measurement of gray scale can quan - titative assess fatty liver.───超声图像灰阶测量可用于定量评估脂肪肝.

This is probably the early folk songs Zuo Quan County embryonic stage.───这恐怕是左权县早期民歌的萌芽阶段.

" This advice is most valuable ,'said Sun Quan.───孙权曰: “ 此金玉之论也! ”

Sun Quan and Liu Bei stood both entranced by the beautiful scene.───孙权和刘备对这美景看得入了迷.

Welcome to Quan Ju De Roast Duck Restaurant.───欢迎光临全聚德烤鸭店.

The roast duck from Quan Ju De is quite famous.───(例)全聚德的烤鸭相当有名.


Zuo Quan County is located in the northern foot of Taihang, hilly territory, ravines crossbar, and suitable for the growth of walnut tree.

The measurement of gray scale can quan - titative assess fatty liver.

Quan and Bray, a London - based married couple, invested heavily in the project.

Zuo Quan Su - walnut production to nuts satiated, thin, big, wei xiang known.

Quan County's history can be traced back over 4000 years ago during the Paleozoic.