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时间:2022-10-10 00:00:58 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2765字


to play petty tricks on the sly


鼠───rat;偷狗盗───Dog thief


I glimpsed a rat running past.───我看到一只老鼠跑过去了.

The dog nosed out a rat.───那只狗闻到一只老鼠的气味.

If I don't send a picture, he will smell a rat.───如果我不寄出照片,他将有所察觉。

METHOD Rat models with yang deficiency were made using hydrocortisone.───方法用氢化可的松及去势大鼠可以造成阳虚模型.

What did you do with the gun you took from that little rat Turner?───你是怎么处理从那个叫特纳的小叛徒手里得到的枪的?

Conclusion of NOS the obstruction of learning and memory of the rat after exposure to EMP.───结论NOS在EMP所致大鼠学习、记忆功能障碍过程中起一定作用.

The dog is worrying the rat.───那只狗在撕咬老鼠.

OBJECTIVE To explore into the pharmacodynamic effect of rhinitis spray on rat models allergic rhinitis.───目的探讨中药鼻炎喷雾剂对变应性鼻炎模型大鼠的药效作用.


A rat squeaked and ran into the bushes.

A brown rat scurried across the road.

The dog was killed by rat poison .

I had to get out of the rat race and take a look at the real world again.

He used some cheese to trap the rat.