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时间:2022-10-10 00:03:39 作者:语文迷 字数:3151字


Western set meal


西餐───Western-style food;套餐───Set meal


When eating western - style food, you can talk with others freely and lightly.───吃西餐时, 桌上你可以和其他人轻松自由地交谈.

Normally, western - style food tableware is put by serving order.───通常, 西餐餐具按上菜顺序摆放.

Having western - style food in the super - big Chinese - style corridor is a unique experience.───在超大的中式长廊里用西餐别具风味.

The craft of cooking Western - style food was learned from his mother.───她烹制西餐的手艺是从妈妈那里学来的.

Do you know if hereabout have preferable refectory for Western - style food.───你知道附近有比较好的西餐厅吗?

His restaurant has two storeys, sells orthodox western - style food, and most famous as its Pizza.───小店分上下两层, 专营正宗西餐, 尤以比萨最出名.

Assists the hotel sales outlet and the banquet department western - style food promotion.───协助酒店销售部和宴会部门西餐的推广.

On some other trains, you can also have good Western - style food.───列车员:有些车上您也能吃到美味的的西餐.


It not only have the Attic of Parisian type with the spacious hall, and open-air wait-and-see alcove , but also have bougie light, country music with Western-style food.

But here has a simple commonsensible problem: Do Chinese meal and Western-style food have why to part?

Western-style kitchen is open, use equipment dish and the Western-style food that make, such won't cloggy in common and longer equipment dish time housewife and family communicate.