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时间:2022-10-10 08:01:06 作者:语文迷 字数:2777字


The house has three bedrooms and one living room


三室───Three rooms;房子───house


We have made reservations for three rooms at the hotel.───我们已在这个旅馆预订了三个房间。

There are three rooms in it.───一共三间屋子。

A: This apartment has three rooms and a bath.───A:这套公寓有三个房间和一个卫生间。

How much is the charge for three rooms with single bed?───三间单人房的费用是多少?

THE ASSISTANT walked along the corridor and led Rostov to the officers' wards, three rooms with doors opening between them.───穿过走廊后,医士把罗斯托夫领进军官病房,病房有三个房间,房门都是敞开的。

Wang Lung stopped, struck by the thought of children running in and out of their three rooms.───猛地想到孩子们会在他们这三间屋里跑进跑处的,王龙便站定在那里。


The club has three rooms, a chill room and two dance floors.

The ground floor, now the cellar, has retained its original three rooms with vaulted ceilings.

Hearing your sotto voce cursing from three rooms away.

The house comprises three rooms.

A bookish bunch, the office members work in an ivy-covered building out of three rooms lined with books and musty card-catalog drawers.