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时间:2022-10-10 20:00:29 作者:星火作文 字数:2651字


Dream chaser


追梦者───Dream chaser


So the Dream Chaser frame has been mounted on an earthquake simulator in a lab at the University of Colorado in Boulder.───因此,“追梦者”太空船被安装在位于科罗拉多大学博尔德分校实验室的地震模拟器上进行测试。

Sierra Nevada, which also makes satellites, sensors, and other components, did not design the Dream Chaser from the ground up.───公司并非完全从头开始就设计“追梦者”太空船,它还制造卫星,传感器和其他部件。

Dream Chaser has a lifting body design; it looks something like an airplane without the large wings on the side.───追梦者”太空船的设计中具有升力体机身,让它看起来像一架两侧没有巨大机翼的飞机。

The Dream Chaser has a lifting body design; it looks something like an airplane without the large wings on the side.───“追梦者”太空船的设计中具有升力体机身,让它看起来像一架两侧没有巨大机翼的飞机。

Sierra Nevada, which also makes satellites, sensors, and other components, did not design the Dream Chaser from the ground up.───内华达山脉公司并非完全从头开始就设计“追梦者”太空船,它还制造卫星,传感器和其他部件。
