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时间:2022-10-11 12:00:34 作者:趣历史 字数:2481字


Less used




She's no less active than she used to be.───她和以往一样的活跃.

Five is less than seven.───五比七小.

They were less than truthful about their part in the crime.───他们对自己在这次犯罪中所起的作用讲的绝非实情。

I suspect that he is more or less involved in the affair.───我猜他和这件事有点牵连.

In less than four hours my enthusiasm had waned and I rather reproached myself for coming.───不到两个时辰,我早已意兴索然,颇悔此行了.

I expect it to earn its cost in less than three years.───我希望它在3年内赚回成本.

Less of your lip!───[口]别饶舌了!

He is none the less vigorous for his years.───他虽年老而依然健壮.


Many women earn less than their male colleagues.

Speak less and listen more.

People get less fertile as they get older.

Think much, speak little, and write less.

The project was more or less a success.