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时间:2022-10-12 00:03:23 作者:星火作文 字数:2927字


Make Tarts




The original egg tarts also reflect the economic environment.───原来蛋挞更可反映经济环境.

During the Henry period, egg tarts may also contain ingredients such as minced pork or beef bone marrow, but always covered with sweet custard.───在亨利时期,蛋挞还可能含有猪肉末或牛骨髓等食材,但总要覆盖上甜甜的蛋奶糊。

Tarts could be seen in the dark alleys.───在幽暗的小巷里可以看到妓女.

Put these tarts into the higher - medium shelf , bake for 15 - 20 minutes.───烤前将蛋塔液倒入塔皮中(装七分满即可),放入烤箱 中上层, 烤15-20分钟.

How about apple tarts?───苹果馅饼 呢 ?

So I decided to make some tarts for tea.───所以我决定做些喝茶时吃的糕饼.

Mom was baking some mincemeat tarts, chocolate cakes, and doughnuts for dinner.───妈妈正准备晚饭,她烘制了一些馅饼 、 巧克力蛋糕以及甜甜圈.

Rate tarts are costing the banks lot of money.───为了赚取最低利率,而不断换信用卡的人让银行损失了很多钱.


I decided to make some tarts for tea.

Back at the car, the two tarts still slouched against the wall next to the railway embankment.

The Pop Tarts are the apotheosis of this disparity between rhetoric and achievement.

But, did the Knave steal the tarts?

Tarts were available throughout the day in the deli.