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时间:2022-10-12 08:04:27 作者:星火作文 字数:2804字


crowded like sardines




The postman ran away with the dog nipping at his heel.───邮递员跑开了,狗在身后紧追着要咬他.

He has a blister on his heel.───他脚后跟上有个水泡.

My shoe rubbed my heel.───我的一只鞋子硌脚跟.

It's still not clear how the president will use his power to bring the republics to heel.───总统将如何行使自己的权力使共和党人就范仍不太清楚。

She turned on her elegantly shod heel.───她突然转身,迈开穿着雅致的皮鞋的双脚离去了。

She snagged a heel on a root and tumbled to the ground.───她脚后跟被一个树根绊了一下,踉踉跄跄地摔倒在地上。

My little granddaughter caught her heel in the spokes of her bicycle—it was a very nasty wound.───我小孙女的脚跟夹到自行车的轮辐里了,伤得很严重。

With a contemptuous glance at her , he turned on his heel and stalked out.───他很骄傲地射了那何秀妹一眼, 就转身跑了出去.


For years the nation had been under the heel of a dictatorial regime.

He threw the cigarette down and ground it under his heel.

He had a blistered heel.

Using the heel of your hand, press the dough firmly into shape.

Even Achilles was only as strong as his heel.