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时间:2022-10-12 20:06:11 作者:学习啦 字数:2537字


I can't describe you


形容───describe;样子───a look


The term "claret", used to describe Bordeaux wines, may come from the French word "clairet".───用来指称波尔多葡萄酒的词claret可能源于法语单词clairet。

I think it's a bit unkind to describe the ship in those terms.───我觉得用那些字眼来形容这艘船有点刻薄。

In this section we will describe common myths about cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana.───在这一节,我们将说明有关烟、酒和大麻的常见谬论。

In Chapter 3, I shall describe some of the documentation that I gathered.───在第三章,我会介绍我收集到的一些文献记录。

Can you describe your son?───你能描述一下你儿子 吗 ?

Can you describe him to me?───你能向我描述一下他的样子吗?

Some patients don't refer to the discomfort of angina as an ache; rather they describe it as sudden sharp pains.───有些病人不把心绞痛叫做钝痛, 而说成阵阵剧痛.

Can you describe what you saw to [ for ] me?───你能将你看见的东西描述 给 我听 吗 ?
