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时间:2022-10-13 00:02:10 作者:语文迷 字数:3184字


Full energy


满能量───Full energy


She seemed invigorated, full of life and energy.───她看来生气勃勃,满怀生命力和精力。

She was bouncy and full of energy.───她生气勃勃,精力充沛。

Despite many challenges, I am deeply optimistic about this great country, and I would like to commit the full energy of the World Bank to assist you in these exciting times.───尽管面临许多挑战,我们对这个伟大的国家深感乐观,我愿意承诺世界银行将全力以赴在这些令人兴奋的时刻为你们提供协助。

Delicious , nutritious and cute FRUITs given by my lovely colleagues to fill the full energy for a whole new week's work.───可爱的的同事们给了我美味,营养还有可爱的“水果”来补充能量,好好应对新一周的工作。

As for my health condition I am sure that you will see that I still have full energy.───至于我的身体,大家会看到,我还是有着充沛精力的。

Premier: As regards my health conditions, I am sure you will see that I still have full energy.───温总理:至于我的身体,大家会看到,我还是有着充沛精力的。


If he already blew his PVP trinket and your have a full energy stunlock ready.

The nationalization of the electricity sector followed 22 years later, bringing the full energy spectrum under state control.

In this article, the Greenhouse Gases Emission Factor(GGEF) for nuclear power chain of China is calculated based on Life Cycle Analysis method and the definition of full energy chain.

The simulated result indicates a few number of full energy deposition pulse shapes are similar to rising-edge pile-up pulse shapes.