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时间:2022-10-13 08:01:18 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3071字


School art


校艺───School art


He succeeded in getting a place at art school.───他被艺术学校录取了。

I would say it's the quality of a village school art teacher who has learned how to draw," Weidler said.───魏德勒说:“在我看来,这些画相当于一个学过怎么画画的乡村美术老师的水平。”

Middle school art teacher Dave Warwak was fired in 2007 for preaching veganism.───中学的美术老师大卫 沃尔瓦克就因为鼓吹纯素食主义而被解雇。

LOGO - A grade - school art teacher. She is just the kind of teacher that you wish you had when you were young.───一位小学美术教师,她就是那种你年轻时向往的教师。

The motivation of this thesis is root by the weak of school art appreciate education and the lack of the art appreciation education.───由于目前学校美术欣赏教育比较薄弱,以及自身美术欣赏教学的欠缺,促使笔者进行本课题的研究。

Laura Mathews, who formerly worked as a high school art teacher, said she and her husband got into the toy business after having children.───劳拉休斯,谁曾任高中美术教师说,她和她的丈夫进入企业后,玩具的儿童。


Middle school art teacher Dave Warwak was fired in 2007 for preaching veganism.

Museums can offer enriching experiences for children as well as adults, but they are ill-equipped to replace public school art classes.

Laura Mathews, who formerly worked as a high school art teacher, said she and her husband got into the toy business after having children.