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时间:2022-10-13 12:01:53 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3323字






Zhijun, and tens of assistants spent more than two months creating it.───万志军和他数十名助手花了两个多月的时间来创作它。

29, was born with congenital rachitis, which hampered the development of his limbs as he grew up.───29岁的董志军患先天性佝偻病,阻碍了四肢的生长发育。

It has been the most difficult tunnel that China Railway ever built, " said Yao Zhijun, chief engineer of the project.───这一项目的总工程师姚志军说: :“这是中国铁路总公司有史以来修建难度最高的隧道。”

For the beginning of this meeting, Deputy Director General Zhang Zhijun first expresses warmly welcome to all the attendees of the meeting.───会议一开始,苏州市科技局副局长张志军表达了对各方教授和企业领导的热烈欢迎。

A few days before the session began, the railways minister, Liu Zhijun, had been dismissed in connection with a huge bribe-taking scandal.───腐败是“最大的危险”,人大会议开始不久前,铁道部部长刘志军因卷入巨额受贿丑闻而被免职。

Nong Zhijun also said, the Global Fund has offices in Beijing, they have begun an investigation on this dispute.───侬智军说,全球基金在北京设有办事处,他们已经开始就这一争议展开调查。


In 2003, Huawei nearly sold its network infrastructure business to Motorola, says Huawei Deputy Chairman Xu Zhijun, but the deal died after a Motorola management shakeup.

But a leaked directive from theCentral Propaganda Bureau revealed a more salacious side to his misconduct:"All media are not to report or hype the news that Liu Zhijun had 18mistresses."

'We aim at the world's top-notch technologies, ' then-Railways Minister Liu Zhijun declared four years ago.