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时间:2022-10-14 08:04:53 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2425字


Five out of four


五分───full marks;满分───Full marks


He gained full marks in the examination.───他在考试中得到了满分的好成绩.

Most people in fact got full marks in one question and zero in the other.───实际上多数人一个问题得了满分,另一个问题却得了零分。

Yesterday I got full marks.───我昨天考了满分。

B : Yes , I got full marks in maths.───是的, 我的数学成绩是满分.

Both teams deserve full marks for playing in such bad weather.───在如此恶劣的天气打比赛,两个队都值得表扬.

I have a good news to tell you. I got full marks in my English test.───这是我在做练习时遇到的两个句子,答案说他们都错了,可没解释原因,我不明白,你能帮帮我,告诉我为什麽吗? 谢谢!

She got full marks in the exam.───她考试得了满分。

As a result of my hard work, I got full marks in the math contest yesterday.───由于努力学习的结果, 昨天的数学竞赛我得了满分.
