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时间:2022-10-14 12:03:26 作者:趣历史 字数:3011字


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The crickets stridulated their everlasting monotonous meaningful note.───蟋蟀发出了它们持久的,单调而有意思的调子.

Instead of rushing at life, I wanted something more meaningful.───我不想混日子,我想做点更有意义的事情。

The paper shows the meaningful methods and significance of avian systematics based on bird vocalization systematics.───报道了近年来建立于鸟类鸣声基础上的鸟类系统学研究新方法、新思路及其意义.

She gave me a meaningful glance as she left.───她走时,给了我意味深长的一瞥.

The author is clever at elucidating such grand themes like society and life through meaningful trivia.───作考擅长攫取具有典型意义的生活琐事,藉以阐发社会和人生的宏大主题.

Work alsopotentially allows us to do something meaningful, and produce the things our society needs.───工作让我们干了一些有意义的事情, 并产出我们的社会所需要的产品.

This meaningful activity is one of the student events held to commemorate the University's 50 th Anniversary.───是项饶具意义的活动为校庆学生活动筹委会筹办的多项大型庆祝活动之一.

Yet, far beyond my wildest imagination , God had something much more meaningful in store for me.───然而, 大大超乎了我的异想天开, 上帝给我准备了更有意义东西.


The crickets stridulated their everlasting monotonous meaningful note.