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时间:2022-10-14 16:02:44 作者:星火作文 字数:2730字


Far from the bus station


公交───transit;汽车站───bus station


That could have happened in transit due to improper stowage.───由于装载方式不当很可能在运输途中发生了这样的问题.

Fruits are perishable in transit.───水果在运送时容易腐烂.

They were in transit to Bombay.───他们在去往孟买的途中。

Provide the customs transit, reloading and information feedback for goods in frontier ports.───提供货物在边境口岸的转关, 换装,信息反馈.

We are sorry to hear of the breakages which occurred in transit.───对于货物在运送途中破损的事宜,本公司感到遗憾.

Toronto Transit Commission, Service Standards Process, Technical Background, Ridership Forecasting Methods Number 1, January, 1991.───多伦多运输委员会, 服务标准程式 、 技术背景, 载客量预测方法〉.期刊编号1, 1991年1月.

This model be in urban rail transit's planning for optimizing the transit network's layout.───该模型可用于城市轨道交通规划中,对线路网络进行优化布局.

The contents of the package may have settled in transit.───包裹里的东西可能在运输途中摇密实了。


The cost includes transit.