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时间:2022-10-14 20:01:05 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2579字


Dizziness and fatigue




When you spin round round, and stop suddenly, you feel dizzy.───当你旋转再旋转并且突然停止, 你会感觉晕眩.

The pills made him dizzy . All the same he has bought some more.───那些药使他头晕, 尽管如此,他又再买了一些.

And she began to feel dizzy and fell off the rafter.───她开始觉得头晕了就从屋梁上掉了下来.

Climbing so high made me feel dizzy.───爬那么高使我感到头晕目眩。

"Are you dizzy at all?" he asked her.───“你是否有点儿头晕呢?”他问她。

She felt dizzy and nauseous.───她觉得头晕、恶心。

Why don't you pack in when you feel dizzy?───你觉得头晕时,为什么不停止工作?

He came over all dizzy when he stood up.───他一站起身就觉得天旋地转。


I felt dizzy when I looked down from the top of the television tower.

He was dizzy with the scorching sun.

He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out.

I suffer from dizzy spells .

Lean on me if you feel dizzy.