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时间:2022-10-14 20:04:29 作者:星火作文 字数:2657字






Carly: No! Baseball can wait. Our relationship can't!───卡莉: 不行! 棒球可以等, 我们的关系可不行.

Theo: Carly, just let sleeping dogs lie.───西欧: 卡莉, 不要没事惹事好不好.

Carly: I'm sorry. I just need to talk with you.───卡莉: 抱歉, 我只是想跟你聊聊.

Joe and Carly are walking in the school playground.───乔和卡尔莱在学校的操场上走着.

This is Mark Hart and Carly Fiorina the biggest difference between.───这是马克·赫德与卡莉·菲奥莉娜的最大区别.

Carly: Twenty years ago when I was five. What should I do?───卡莉: 20年前,我国岁的时候, 我该怎么办?

Carly and Charley are the girls who often lose their socks.───卡莉和查理是经常丢袜子的女孩。

B: Hi Carly, it's Bruce.───布鲁斯:嗨,卡莉,我是布鲁斯。


Wilson asked Carly out to dinner, on the pretence that he wanted to talk to her about business.

If the operation succeeds, Carly will be able to lead a normal life.

Carly spoke through clenched teeth .

Carly did a split.

His daughter Carly drove him to the train station.