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时间:2022-10-15 00:06:08 作者:学习啦 字数:2801字






Oh , yes, Mr. Tian. I'm interested in buying one of your cars. I wonder if you could give me some information.───哦, 是田先生, 我想向你们买辆车. 你可不可以提供给我一些资料?

In court hearing, Tian Yuan XIE candidly confessed their crimes.───法庭在审理中, 谢远田对其犯罪事实供认不讳.

Hua Tian Bao - mining, mineral - rich, is the country's major mineral cluster.───矿区物华天宝, 矿藏丰富, 是全国重要的矿产集中区.

Tian: It's going to be a very different landscape.───田溯: 那将是另一番样子.

Tian Shan and Liu Bing are classmates.───田珊和刘冰是同班同学.

Please send them to Tian yuan Company at twelve o'clock.───请在中午十二点送到天元公司.

Tian Chang City or field is long be amatory end.───天长或地久是爱情的尽头.

What is Hao Tian going to take part in?───浩天想参加什么项目?


Thousands of eyes are fixed on the Tian An Men rostrum.

Ms. Tian is the highest-ranking corporate executive to have been brought to trial in the scandal.

Tian Pingzuo of escapism mentality in me expose the very perfect, I hate reality.

When does Tian Tian begin school.

By Tian Jifu male physiological underpants give me back my confidence man.