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时间:2022-10-15 08:01:19 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3274字


Attack people


袭人───Attack people


For some people, that sort of language attack is evidence that Mr. King is taking on the banking lobby.───对一些人来说,那种语言攻击是金先生对银行游说的有力证明。

But there is still a sonic attack people to be snoring against the teacher.───不过还是有人能用鼾声对抗着老师的声波攻击。

They can do some serious damages, but they never really attack people, which is good, right?───他们可以做一些严重的损害,但他们从来没有真正攻击人,这很好,好吗?

Front to drink easy to attack people said the nerve, this will affect people's driving ability, and in the process of driving in judgment.───前面说到喝酒容易麻痹人的神经,这样就会影响到人的驾车能力,以及在驾驶过程中的判断能力。

Panda docile temperament, generally do not take the initiative to attack people or other animals.───大熊猫性情温顺,一般不主动攻击人或其他动物。

He says the militias used to attack people but now everything is good. He wishes business was better but says people do not have much money.───他说军队曾经攻击平民但是现在一切很好。他希望生意能够好起来但是人们没有太多的钱。


Hornets are bee-like insects that sometimes attack people.

"Upon exploding on contact with an object, each sub-munition disintegrates into high-velocity fragments to attack people and releases a slug of molten metal to penetrate armored vehicles," HRW noted.

A dog may feel protective towards family members, and attack people who go near them.

After the terrorist attack, people look consternated.

This leads Ponyboy to question why he and his friends' attack people.