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时间:2022-10-15 08:03:20 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2473字


Huang you


黄游───Huang you


You must have seen the memes of singer Huang Zitao with his famous words, "I will not die easily."───你一定见过歌手黄子韬名言的表情包:“我不会轻易死去。”

But to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mount Huang, you need to look downwards.───但要欣赏黄山的美景,就得往下看。

Master Huang: you work too hard, Lily. When was your last day off?───黄师父:你太拼命工作了,莉莉。上次休假是在什么时候?

Master Huang: You know, dried in the sun, the peel can be preserved for a long time.───黄师父:在太阳底下晒干的话,这种皮可以长时间保留。

Master Huang: You'll have one month to put the revisions in, and then show the handbook to me again before you go to the printer.───黄师父:您有一个月的时间对手册进行修改,在手册付印之前再给我过目一遍。

Master Huang: You've seemed troubled for the past few days. Is anything wrong?───黄师父:你这几天看起来心烦意乱。出什么事儿了吗?
