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时间:2022-10-15 20:04:19 作者:趣历史 字数:2906字


Defeat in battle


阵败───Defeat in battle


A veteran of the Seven Years' War, British general John Burgoyne is best remembered for his defeat in the second Battle of Saratoga in the fall of 1777.───是七年战争的老兵,英国将军约翰·伯戈因最有名的却是由于1777年秋天他在萨拉托加第二战役的惨败。

Courage for some sudden act, maybe in the heat of battle, we all respect, but there is that still rarer courage which can sustain repeated disappointment, unexpected failure, and shattering defeat.───我们都会对在战火中爆发出的英勇壮举表示出自己的敬意。但是还有一种更难能可贵的勇气就是在屡遭失望、出乎意料的失败,粉碎性的挫败后依旧奋力前行。

because of the fear of defeat, you will never get success.───因害怕失败而不敢放手一搏,永远不会成功。

The collapse of Japan's air force and navy had left the garrison totally isolated, doomed to inevitable defeat in battle or starvation.───日本空军和海军的崩溃陷硫磺岛守军于完全孤立无援之中,他们注定或在战场上失败或困死饿死。

Rather than accept defeat in battle, samurai would often kill themselves.───日本武士宁愿自杀也不愿接受在战场上的失败。

To defeat in battle; vanquish.───在战场上打败;征服


After their defeat in battle, the soldiers surrendered.