We must take strong measures against actions of hoarding and profiteering that upset the market.───这个弱小的国家最终打败了外军的入侵.
According to one estimate, rent seeking and official profiteering and 30 percent of China's gdp.───有评估称, 寻租和官倒占中国国内生产总值的20%到30%.
It's time to end the quackery of modern medicine and the profiteering from human suffering.───现在是结束现代药物利用骗术从人们的痛苦中牟利的时间了.
The price hike in garlic was mainly caused by hoarding and profiteering.───大蒜价格的疯涨主要是由一些人的囤积居奇引起的.
Completely prohibit Japanese goods . Suppress profiteering merchants and ban speculation and manipulation of the market.───禁绝日货,取缔奸商,反对投机操纵.
Being engaged in speculation and profiteering, he wallowed in the mire with them.───他和他们同流合污,投机倒把.
This has been a summer of discontent because despite government efforts, an entire coastline has been monopolised by profiteering bathing clubs.───这是一个充满不满情绪的夏天,因为尽管政府做出了努力,但暴利的沐浴俱乐部却垄断了整个海岸线。
Departments and commerce are authorized by the government to ban speculation and profiteering.───政府授权工商部门严厉取缔投机倒把活动.
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