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时间:2022-10-16 00:02:13 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2732字


Trust case


信任案───Trust case


It was co-ordinated by the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, and funded by the Wellcome Trust, the world's biggest medical research charity.───它由Wellcome Trust病例对照协会协调并由世界上最大的医学研究慈善团体Wellcome Trust建立。

She puts the decision in the hands of ACN President (and her son) Reese: a leadership challenge for him, and a trust case study for her company's top talent.───她把决定权交由亚特兰蒂斯有线电视台总裁(同时也是她的儿子)里斯:这对他来说是一个领导力的挑战;而且对公司的顶尖人才来说,这也是一个关乎信任的案例。

Department of Justice launched an anti-trust case against Microsoft.───司法部门以反垄断之名起诉微软。

Well for starters Microsoft released Windows 98. Then The US Department of Justice released an anti-trust case against the technology giant.───首先,微软发布了Windows98,而美国司法部发布了针对其的反垄断案件。

That battle triggered a US anti-trust case against the software company.───那场争斗在美国引发了一起针对微软的反垄断诉讼。

In 1998 the Department of Justice launched an anti-trust case against Microsoft.───1998年司法部门以反垄断之名起诉微软。
