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时间:2022-10-16 00:01:07 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2851字


spread rumors


鼓舌扬唇───spread rumors


It is not appropriate to spread rumors at this critical moment.───我认为在这个危难时刻传播谣言是不合适的.

Secret enemies will be eager to spread rumors about you.───暗地里的对手会迫切的散播你的谣言。

Do not believe or spread rumors.───不轻信谣言,也不传播谣言。

It is immoral, and even illegal to spread rumors.───播散谣言是不道德的, 甚至是违法的.

Secret enemies will be eager to spread rumors about you.───白羊座:暗处的敌人将迫切地到处传播你的谣言.

We also should not spread rumors.───我们也不应该散播谣言.

Those who spread rumors have been discredited and severely criticized.───一些散布谣言的人受到狠狠地批斥.

Don't talk negatively about other people or spread rumors.───不要去讲他人的坏事,也不要去传播流言。


Traders have spread rumors that foot-and-mouth disease has been found not only in the north, but also in the east.

Those who spread rumors have been discredited and severely criticized.

Xiong said Internet companies should suspend the accounts of users who spread rumors or libelous statements.

Federalist opponents of Thomas Jefferson spread rumors that he was an "infidel" during his first presidential election.