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时间:2022-10-16 00:02:49 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2475字


Bad people have bad news


坏人───bad person;坏报───Bad news


I am not really a bad person.───我当然不是真的坏人.

You know, it's not Marlene's a bad person or anything, but, my God!───要知道, 这可不是因为马尔琳的个性不好或什么, 但是, 额滴神啊!

Dirty rat: slang for a bad person.───肮脏的老鼠: 俚语,形容坏蛋.

Can't be a person, then can a bad person?───好人不可以做坏人有怎么能做 呢 ?用英语怎么翻译.

Michelle: But I don't think complaining about things a blog makes Derrick a bad person.───米歇尔: 但是我认为迪瑞克在博客上抱怨事情不会使得他像个坏人.

I was selling drugs, but I didn't think I was a bad person.───我贩卖毒品,但我并不觉得自己是个坏人。

This is someone who acts like a good person, but it is really a bad person.───就是说有人表面上很好, 实际却是个坏蛋.

We had already sperated, why you still said I am a bad person!───既然你都不在乎了,何必还要在我面前不断地说!
