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时间:2022-10-16 00:03:53 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3025字






The Bethe ansatz equations are obtained from the periodic boundary conditions.───由周期边界条件推出贝特假设方程.

The results ob - tained agree well with those given by Verges using random Bethe lattice model.───所得结果与Verges用非晶的Bethe晶格模型的计算结果相符.

BeThe oil can come from animal fat or plant sources like cochanate avocado, coconut or sunflower.───油可以使用动物脂肪或植物原料,如鄂梨, 椰子或向日葵.

When weseek and find the full truth, the absolute truth, again that turns out to bethe Ultimate happiness.───当我们寻找并找到完整的真理、绝对的真理,再一次,原来是无限的幸福。

This index can bethe Gross National Product, Per - Capital Income, S & amp ; P 500, etc.───这个指数可以用国内总产值(theGross NationalProduct), 人均收入(Per -Capital Income), 30种工业股票价格的道琼斯指数等等来表示.

Excuse me Heshu always could there bethe success the county gains basically behaved in what respect?───请问贺书记,永宁县取得的成就主要表现在哪些方面?

By using the effective heat of formation, Mo 3 Al 8 is predicted to bethe first phase formed.───利用有效生成焓理论, 推测生成的非晶合金可能是Mo3Al8.

a woman called Beverly Oliver came forward and claimed to bethe Babushka woman, though her story contains many inconsistencies.───一名名叫贝弗利·奥莉佛的妇女自告奋勇声称,她就是那个巴布什卡夫人,然而在她的叙述里含有很多自相矛盾的地方。
