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时间:2022-10-16 04:04:01 作者:学习啦 字数:2833字


His red hat


红帽子───red cap;他───he


Du wears a red cap today.───阿嘟今天戴了顶红帽子。

Feline cat wants red cap of Mao Mao.───猫猫要毛毛的红帽.

Then Little Red Cap went out with the food.───于是小红帽拿着食物出去了.

I will take great care," said Little Red-Cap to her mother.───我会小心的。”小红帽对妈妈说。

Little Red-Cap," replied the wolf.───小红帽。”狼回答说。

The red cap and tricolour cockade were universal , both among men and women.───他们无论男女,都一律戴着红便帽, 缀着三色帽徽.

So he said to Little Red Cap, Look at these beautiful flowers!───于是他对小红帽说:看看那些漂亮的花!

My brother is the guy who wears a red cap.───戴红色鸭舌帽的那个人是我哥哥.


One man, wearing a red cap and with a knife in his mouth, was already on top of the fence.

The dwarf looked down at a little man not half as big as himself, dressed in a green jacket with brass buttons, and a red cap with a tassel.

Little Red Cap, by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, is one of the most famous derivations of the Red Riding Hood tale.

It suggests that not only is the red cap little, but also the girl.

Grandmother eats what Little Red Cap has brought her; and the girl has learned her lesson.