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时间:2022-10-16 04:04:24 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2957字


Summer break


休夏───Summer break


One summer break, I came here to New York for an internship at a fashion house in Chinatown.───在一个暑假,我来到了纽约,在唐人街的一家时装店实习。

When does summer break start?───暑假什么时候开始?

plans for a summer break is perfect cold weather escapism.───计划一次夏季度假旅行,是逃离寒冷天气的最好办法。

At the heart of the two-year programme, in the long summer break between first and second years, is an internship.───两年制项目的核心,是第一学年和第二学年之间长暑假中的一次实习。

It is mystifying what benefit Fabio Capello and Stuart Pearce seems to think either of them will gain by being deprived of a summer break.───究竟这对法比奥卡佩罗有什么好处令人迷惑不解,而斯图尔特皮尔斯看起来想要他们中的一位,通过被剥夺一个夏天的休息来获得发展。

She said she did it to make money during the summer break.───她说自己来这里是为了在暑假里挣钱。


When does summer break start?

www.fcbarcelona.cat explains the summer break work the coaches and medical staff have prepared for the first team players, whilst they are enjoying their well-earned holiday.

Mr Broadhurst had returned from his summer break.

Are you looking forward to the summer break?

The Gas Cooker and the faulty trolley will be attended to during the summer break. 7.