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时间:2022-10-17 04:03:18 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2982字


Langfang City


廊坊市───Langfang City


Founded in 1993, Langfang City is the first travel agency.───成立于1993年,是廊坊市最早的一家旅行社。

For the plastic sheeting in Langfang City, Hebei Province Economic and Technological Development Zone.───塑胶蓬布有限公司为于河北省廊坊市经济技术开发区。

The conference was organized by the Langfang City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Langfang City, brothers and co-truth of the Working Group.───此次会议是由廊坊市疾病预防控制中心主办,廊坊市兄弟真情工作组协办的。

Langfang City schools for economic development by leaps and bounds to make a great contribution.───学校为廊坊市经济跨越式发展做出了巨大贡献。

On technology , depending on the support of eligible technology authorized by agriculture-grove science of Langfang city.───技术方面,依靠廊坊市农林科学院通过认证的成熟合格技术支持。

Departing from Beijing, along the Jing-Jin-Tang Expressway southeastward about 20km, you will arrive at Langfang city.───从北京出发,沿京津塘高速公路向东南20多公里就到了廊坊。


The conference was organized by the Langfang City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Langfang City, brothers and co-truth of the Working Group.

Liu stem, Langfang City District glorious village security.

Langfang City , finance and trade schools located in the beautiful city center.