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时间:2022-10-17 12:01:11 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3091字


The family is getting poorer and poorer


家境───family circumstances;贫寒───poor


Good drinks family circumstances are what a pity poor cannot obtain frequently.───好喝酒,可惜家境贫穷不能常常得到.

If family circumstances is rich, still can give aureate is silver small lock even.───假如家境富裕,还会赠予镀金的甚至是银制的小锁。

If there were a change in family circumstances, I'd be a long way from home.───如果家庭环境发生了变化,我就会远离家乡。

The woman is registered city alone, a daughter, family circumstances.───女方是城市户口,独养女儿,家境好。

The impoverished family circumstances, the unfortunate destiny have cast Wang Xiaofu's strong disposition.───贫困的家境 、 不幸的命运铸就了王晓福坚强的性格.

I junior, family circumstances poor.───年少的我, 家境贫寒.


Changes in Expectations from the Farm Responses given to this question were linked very closely to changes in family circumstances.

One is that of family circumstances as determinants of mortality differentials.

In addition, the occupational characteristics and family circumstances of those remaining in employment beyond statutory retirement age are explored.

Desultory in, he slowly the deposit in speaking him heart: Poor of him family circumstances, the little brother is agelong and outer work fend, the mother of old relies on one of person provide for.

By force of family circumstances, he left the school when 16 years old, chare socially with allowance family expenses.