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时间:2022-10-17 16:03:39 作者:趣历史 字数:3189字






We briefly review current research on strongly interacting ultracold atomic polarized Fermi gases.───摘要文章首先简要评述了目前强相互作用的极化冷费米原子体系的研究现状.

But over the next few years, Fermi will detect more and more bursts.───不过随着时间的推移,费米望远镜会不断发现更多的爆发点。

This idea is embodied in the Fermi Paradox.───这个想法在费米悖论中有所体现。

A Fermi problem does not contain all the information you need to solve it precisely.───在弗米问题中,不存在精确解决问题所需要的全部信息.

So Enrico Fermi called them "a little neutron," in Italian is neutrino.───因此,恩里科·费米把它们叫做‘小中子’,在意大利语中就是中微子的意思。

Degenerate Fermi Systems and the Structure of Matter.───简并费米子系统的托马斯-费米模型.

Fermi's suggestion was more than a verbal hypothesis.───费密的见解不仅是词句上的假设.

What shines in Fermi's gamma ray sky?───在费米的伽马射线图里闪耀的是什么 呢 ?


Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi, discussing this observation with colleagues over lunch in 1950, asked, logically: "Where are they?"

At that time, Fermi scientists may do more than just uncork the champagne; they can start reserving themselves a round-trip ticket to Stockholm.

For all his genius, Fermi had a decidedly puckish side.

In the Fermi weak interaction theory and even in the electro-weak unification theory, the neutrino is looked as the massless particle.

Like all virtuosos, Fermi had a distinctive style.