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时间:2022-10-17 20:03:42 作者:趣历史 字数:3180字


See the difference


见异───See the difference


Do you see the difference?───你们看出其中的差别了吗?

See the difference here?───在这里看到不同点吗?

you see the difference there?───你看到这两者的区别了吗?

But I would like to see the difference it makes in the architecture in case we were to use the command style programming model you showed .───但是我想知道,如果我们使用您展示的命令方式的编程模型,我们的体系结构会有什么不同。

It must be so fulfilling and rewarding for you to see the difference you are making in the lives of others.───看到你在他们生活中引起的变化,你肯定感到非常充实,非常有回报。

It can be challenging to decipher what's going on from the tags. But it's easy to see the difference in the display, as in Figure 4.───也许您很难从这些标签中发现有什么改变,但从显示效果中能清楚地看出差别,如图4所示。


You can see the difference between these three startup options in Figure 10-2, which shows the initial project set up for these three templates.

To see the difference between a genius and a non-genius one could begin with the difference between Tocqueville, who wrote a great book, and his friend Beaumont, who wrote a mediocre one.

People who do not see the difference between non-behavior-driven and behavior-driven initiatives will mismanage change.

You see the difference in electronegativity, square it, multiply it by one-quarter and raise that to the power e.

In Figure 1, you can see the difference in how two tools handle the error of a missing right parenthesis in a pointcut.