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时间:2022-10-18 08:04:49 作者:星火作文 字数:2710字


pareto principle




I ran away from home when I was sixteen.───我16岁的时候离家出走了。

Sixteen of the youngsters set off for help, but during the descent three collapsed in the cold and rain.───16名年轻人出发去寻求帮助,但在下山过程中有3人因寒冷和大雨晕倒了。

He was scarcely sixteen when he joined the army.───他参军时刚刚十六岁.

Sixteen of the contestants have hired lawyers and are suing the organisers.───有16名参赛者已经请了律师,正在起诉主办方。

"Fifteen or sixteen?" Mrs Dearden hazarded.───“15或16?”迪尔登夫人试着猜道。

The last time I saw her was about sixteen years ago.───我上次见她大约是16年前了。

I started smoking grass when I was about sixteen.───我大约16岁的时候开始吸大麻。

You can get married at sixteen, and yet you haven't got a say in the running of the country.───你16岁时可以结婚,但还无权参与国家政事。


He left home at sixteen.

She entered a convent at the age of sixteen.

We've got sixteen coming for lunch.

Five and eleven add up to sixteen.

He is sixteen years old.