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时间:2022-10-18 12:01:14 作者:语文迷 字数:2917字


die-hard fan


死忠粉───die-hard fan


Learn to cope with these, overcome them with zeal and graduate to become a die-hard fan so that you live to impart your knowledge and skill to those that remain ignorant and naïve of its keeping.───学会用爱心去应对这些,并努力去作一个金鱼的死硬粉丝,这会让你眼界开阔,始终保持一颗快乐的童心去面对生活。

But if you are a die-hard fan, you will know that it's not the only season in which to expect good shows.───但是,如果身为一个铁杆剧迷,你就会知道并非只有秋季才有好剧上映。

He is a die-hard fan of Madonna.───他是玛丹娜的死忠歌迷。

Generally i'm a sucker for sitcoms but this really caught my attention and made me a die hard fan.───基本上我对情景喜剧一无所知,不过这部剧完全吸引了我的注意力,把我变成了一个死忠的粉丝。

The answer is that is most certainly is, whether you are a die hard fan of Bond or not.───无论你是否是邦德的死忠影迷,答案是确定一定以及肯定值得!

Because he's a die hard fan, he wouldn't miss a single pitch.───因为他是个死忠的球迷,每一次投球他都不想错过。


Apparently the yanqui-baiting octogenarian, formerly a die-hard fan of military fatigues, now favors the kind of ready-to-wear warm-up gear that only a German-based sports company can provide.