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时间:2022-10-18 20:03:25 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2819字


A long


阿毑───A long


I've had a long hard day.───我这一天是又长又累。

September was a long way off.───那时离九月份还有很长一段时间。

He died after a long illness.───他久病不愈而亡。

Now I mean the value stuff, I chose a particular story where in a long run, it turned out, you know, kind of a good way.───我是说价值观这类东西,我选择的故事是说在长期之内,价值观都是,一个必要的东西。

When I sat behind him, hesitated for a long time whether or not to cling to his waist, I miss the warmth of his generous spine.───我坐在他身后的时候,迟疑了很久要不要抱住他的腰,我很想念他宽厚脊背的温暖。

From a distance it was like tearing a cloth; nearer, it sounded like rain on a tin roof and close up it was just a long crash after crash.───从远处看就像在撕裂一块布;走近些,又像雨落在锡屋顶上;非常靠近它时,却只是一波撞击声接着一波。


We hadn't bargained on such a long wait.

A long dispute means that both parties are wrong. 

There needs a long apprenticeship to understand the mystery of the world’s trade. 

A long tongue is a sign of a short hand. 

He should have a long spoon that sups with the devil.