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时间:2022-10-18 20:05:30 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3213字


Update upload


上传───upload;更新───to update


You just to upload the files and access it in your browser.───您只必须上载文件和访问它在您的浏览器.这就是创造原创文章的全部.

Try this: Take a photo and upload it to Facebook, then after a day or so, note what the URL link to the picture is and then delete it.───试试这个:拍一张照片,上传到 Facebook,然后过一两天,注意照片的 URL 链接是什么,然后删除它。

One of the forms will also be accompanied with we a image upload.───的形式之一也将伴随着我们一的图片上传.

The MIS get over several technology: upload pictures, print crystal report etc.───该系统克服了几个技术难点: 图片的上传 、 水晶报表打印等问题等.

Once you modify this file, upload it via RAM.───一旦您修改了这个文件,通过 RAM 来上传它。

User can upload new components ( runtime code ) and have them run by the server.───用户可以上载新组件 ( 如运行时代码 ) 以及使服务器运行它们.

But after the commodity upload completes, needs to wait for period of time patiently.───而在商品上传完成之后, 需要耐心地等待一段时间.

Alternatively , candidates can upload a r é sum é to be included in searches by member companies.───另外, 就业者可以上传简历而被列入成员公司的搜寻.


The editor could then instruct staff to upload them for approval.

Upload your new error documents into your new folder.

Upload videos from your web camera or camcorder.

It might take a while for this to upload.

You can upload through your Web browser but it's simpler with a dedicated program.